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Y&R: Chelsea Lawson’s New Plan, Still in Lily Winter’s Orbit

Chelsea Lawson’s new plan since recovering from a mental health crisis includes spending time with Daniel Romalotti (Michael Graziadei) in addition to Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson).

Lily Winters (Christel Khalil) is not happy on Young & the Restless

Another Live Tri-Angle With a Focus on Gaming, Coming Soon (Y&R)

After breaking up with Billy, Lily had to have thought she would have less Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) in her life. Not so much…

Chelsea Lawson's New Plan includes Daniel & Billy, Y&R.

After Chelsea learned about Daniel’s gaming platform which almost everyone in Genoa City is interested in being a part of, she found means to involve herself that does not include acquiring OmegaSphere, but being a contributor.

Perfect timing… Daniel just learned he will be going through an impromptu divorce & had lost his motivation to move forward with his project at Chancellor Winters. Now Chelsea has swooped downstairs from her new apartment above Crimson Lights to provide Daniel motivation exactly when he needed it & in front of Lily.

Chelsea Lawson’s New Plan, Lily Winters is Not a Fan

Despite Lily Winters having to spend time in prison for the death of her cousin’s ex-wife & their unborn baby, Lily feels that her life is in utter chaos.

Lily Winters on Y&R, Crimson Lights.

Lily just broke up with her live-in boyfriend who was also her COO. Too bad that relationship has been all but done for months. It took Chelsea’s mental health emergency & Billy rescuing her to finally end things.

Since Billy & Lily’s breakup, Billy & Chelsea have been spending time together in large part out of being bored & unemployed, & their connection being biological parents with Johnny.

What will Billy Boy think of Chelsea’s new career opportunity working closely with Daniel Romalotti?

Daniel is Dumped, But Into Who’s Arms ~ Lily & Chelsea in Orbit

No one including Daniel saw his wife Heather Stevens (Vail Bloom) arriving in Genoa City with his daughter to let him know they she’s fallen in love with another man & their marriage is done.

Even without seeing this coming, he has been spending a substantial amount of time with his ex, Lily Winters.

Chelsea Lawson's New Plan, Includes Daniel, Y&R.

Now that Daniel knows his marriage is over, spending time with Lily has become even more important & they almost kiss. Daniel & Lily clearly have a connection. However, could Chelsea & Daniel connect emotionally if they do work together on OmegaSphere?

OmegaSphere, after all, is an emotional project…

What do you think about Chelsea & Daniel working together? Does this possibility remind you of Billy & Chelsea podcasting together? Would you prefer Chelsea to get closer to Billy, Daniel, or someone else?

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One thought on “Y&R: Chelsea Lawson’s New Plan, Still in Lily Winter’s Orbit

  1. Let’s not forget about Chance. Is he going to be the new man in Sharon’s life? Or, could he and Chelsea become closer friends?

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