Young & the Restless Photos

Y&R’s Nate Hastings is Reckless & Out of Control

Nate Hastings is reckless & out of control. Y&R fans are quick to point this out on social media but leave out Devon’s involvement in Nate’s downward spiral.

Isn’t at least some of Nate Hasting’s (Sean Dominic) ill will towards Devon Hamilton (Bryton James) legitimate? After all, Devon is the reason Nate can no longer perform surgery.

This week’s Weekly #WTF on the Y&R…

Nate Hastings is Reckless & is Spiraling Out of Control, Devon Started It

Nate Hastings is out of control. He’s all but broken up with his live-in girlfriend Elena Dawson (Brytni Sarpi). As of late Nate’s all but completely turned on his cousins at Chancellor Winters.

Nate Hastings, Newman Media Music Festival, Y&R

While Nate & Devon are both adults, Devon totally started it.

Flashback… Devon & Elena were in a super-serious relationship not long after she arrived in Genoa City. Elena then worked her way up in the medical profession in Genoa City & spent a lot of her professional time working alongside Nate Hastings. Long story short, Nate & Elena working together eventually led to sparks flying & them sleeping together in a hospital bed. Elena owned up to Devon & Devon beat up Nate to the point that he could no longer perform surgery.

Devon Hamilton is Not Acquainted with Karma, Apparently

Yes, Nate totally slept with Elena when she was committed to Devon. It was wrong.

People cheat on their lovers all of the time on Young & the Restless. Since when do they have to be paralyzed?

Devon Hamilton Isn't Happy Ever on The Young & the Restless

Perhaps Nate teaming up with Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) at Newman Enterprises to gain majority control of Chancellor Winters is exactly what Devon Hamilton has coming.

Too Many CEOs & COOs & Chancellor Should Have Never Merged with Hamilton-Winters

Despite Devon physically taking the ability to perform surgery from Nate, they were getting along fine prior to Chancellor Industries & Hamilton-Winters merging.

Did Devon bring Nate on as his COO only to bring him down? Is Devon’s current live-in girlfriend that’s his deceased wife’s identical twin sister is just a warm body? Maybe Devon is still in love with Elena. Maybe this was Devon’s plan all along & it worked. Elena has since checked into the Grand Phoenix. How long before she slips back into bed with Devon Hamilton at the penthouse?

Before you go, join SO many other Young & the Restless fans by clicking HERE for more Y&R Scoop, Speculation, WTF, & Photos!!

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