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Devon the Sperm Donor (Y&R), They Have to Be Kidding Us

Devon the Sperm Donor can stay in his lane. He is out of his mind to request shared custody of Dominic. All parties signed a contract. It’s time for Devon to review it & to know his role…

This week’s Weekly #WTF on Y&R

Devon Hamilton: A Sperm Donor with An Open Door Policy

No, Devon is not just a sperm donor. He’s a family friend of the Newmans, Abbotts, & Chancellors with an open-door policy to swing by & visit the baby he helped create anytime.

Why on earth does Devon find it prudent to inquire with Abby & Chance in regard to shared custody? Why not simply ask if Dominic can have a sleepover at his penthouse? Maybe it goes well… Maybe another sleepover would be in order… Then maybe Dominic sleeping over at Devon’s becomes a monthly thing.

There you go, Devon… No need to revise a contract that all parties agreed to & signed. Abby & Chance are all about you being in Dominic’s life & having a connection with him.

Stay. In. Your. Lane, sperm donor…

Amanda Sinclair & Devon at the penthouse on Y&R.

Is Devon More Crazy than Mariah?

If anyone in this arrangement would think of asking Abby & Chance to amend the contract everyone signed to bring Dominic into this world, it would have to be Mariah… Or, so we thought on Young & the Restless.

  • Mariah was actually pregnant with Dominic & successfully carried him.
  • She was kidnapped & held captive meanwhile pregnant with Dominic.
  • The man who kidnapped Mariah while pregnant (Abby’s ex-husband Stitch) is still on the loose, has not been held accountable for his actions, etc.
  • She successfully gave birth to Dominic. He is healthy & wonderful. Everyone adores him.

Sure, Devon helped deliver Dominic without notice… but he did not carry him inside of him while being held captive for a long period of time. Obviously, Mariah has got some PTSD going on & rightfully so.

Little did she know that almost no one cared except for her lesbian lover whom she was missing. Then she is finally found & gives birth successfully.

None of the Newman-Abbott-Chancellors put any effort at all into finding Stitch & holding him accountable.

Devon the Sperm Donor & What Happens Next on Y&R…

C’mon, Devon. Know you’re role. You agreed to donate your sperm & have been included as a close family friend with an open-door policy to see the boy you helped create. Stay in your lane, bro. Wow.

Speaking of Mariah’s lesbian lover, how long will Tessa remain a lesbian, let alone with Mariah? As we all know, Noah Newman is back in town (Mariah’s brother & Tessa’s former lover). Noah has been helping Tessa with her new album cover…

City Diaries by Tessa Porter on Y&R

Taking photos, bonding, consultations, flirting & such. It’s apparent that Noah is into Tessa (again). Tessa flirts right back but then agrees with Mariah it’s time for them to explore adopting a baby & beginning their own family.

Before you go, join SO many other Young & the Restless fans by clicking HERE for more Y&R Scoop, Speculation, WTF, & Photos!!

4 thoughts on “Devon the Sperm Donor (Y&R), They Have to Be Kidding Us

  1. Devin needs to move in and stay in his lane!!! He dies nit have rights as the sperm donor ti have shared custody!! If the writers do this many will stop viewing the Y&R after watching and supporting for 39 yrs or more!!! This is ridiculous!!!

  2. Anonymous :: Fix the storyline with Devon!!! He is out of his lane!! Make it to where he is not the real spermicide donor and the lab messed up because he does not warrant shared custody at all !!!

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