Billy Abbott’s past lovers in GC & his role inside his own Former Lover Supporter Program has to be driving his live-in girlfriend Lily Winters (Christel Khalil) nuts.
For the entire duration of Ashland Locke’s (Richard Burgi, Robert Newman) existence Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) has been overstepping. Now Billy Boy is attempting to support Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan).
Billy on Young & the Restless finally leveled with Lily that he’s bored as COO at C-W. Chancellor Winters just acquired the Grand Phoenix without appointing anyone to run it. Will Billy Abbott end up running the hotel & then supporting the former owner who’s also another former lover?
Billy Abbott on Y&R, The Former Lover Supporter
Now Billy Abbott is supporting another mother of his children, Chelsea Lawson.
Out of almost nowhere, Chelsea has been bound & determined to reveal to Johnny that she is his biological mother. Somehow Billy & the other mother of Billy’s children decided to give in.
Sure, Chelsea has been spiraling out of control & is now unemployed. It seems the only trouble that she has left in Genoa City is forcing herself into Johnny Abbott’s life.
Through Billy Abbott’s Former Lover Supporter Program, it has happened… & now Billy Boy is left to pick up the pieces as Johnny isn’t having any of it & Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) regrets agreeing to the reveal.
Billy Abbotts Past Lovers, Obsessed & Overstepping
It seemed after all of the extreme former lover supporting Billy had provided Victoria during Ashland’s time in Genoa City, Lily would finally have her boyfriend & employee back full-time.
Not so much… Billy’s support of Victoria led him to vent via a very boring podcast. That podcast actually got so boring that he had to bring in former lover Chelsea to spice things up.
Now Billy has renewed his support of the mother of his children as she continues to regret telling little Johnny that Chelsea is his biological mother.
Johnny will continue to need the support of his parents who have & will continue to raise him. This likely means more time together for Billy & Victoria…
Former Lover & Grand Phoenix Owner, Phyllis Summers
Billy Abbott could not be more bored at C-W & now Lily knows. It’s not apparent, however, if Lily remembers that she acquired the Grand Phoenix from Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford).
No one has been managing the hotel. Also, Y&R fans have not seen The Woman in the Green Dress (Crystal) in weeks. Now Noah Newman’s (Rory Gibson) rooftop restaurant has opened & is not getting off to the best start.
If Lily Winters appoints Billy to run the Grand Phoenix to keep him occupied & on the C-W payroll, will he seek out former lover Phyllis for tips & tricks as to how to make the hotel a success? Phyllis has already been fired & rehired from Marchetti once & likely has regrets. She’s sure to need support.
Will Phyllis Summers be Billy Abbott’s latest former lover that he supports?… There are several beds & privacy at the Grand Phoenix…
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