The Newman Brothers Share Lovers & now Sharon, Chelsea, & Sally will all be able to compare & contrast their…
CEO Lily Winters at C-W seems to be the only executive who does any work ever at Chancellor Winters on…
Chancellor Park in GC has a new Park Ranger, apparently... & apparently that new Park Ranger is Chelsea Lawson (Melissa…
Chloe Mitchell hooks up... With Adam Newman? It hasn't been more evident this past week that Chloe & Adam Newman…
Genoa City's Abbott Estate on Young & the Restless hasn't seen this much action since... Well, we don't remember. Thank…
Chelsea broke Rey's heart when she poisoned him via Chloe Mitchell (Elizabeth Hendrickson). He didn't die then, but he's dead…
Phyllis sells her hotel... Out of business & homeless?!? Did she think this through? Where is she going to live?…
Chelsea Lawson loses everything & continues to be a trainwreck on Y&R. It's one thing after another with this woman,…
Summer by Allison Lanier ranks Top 5 in recasts on The Young & the Restless. Allison has totally filled Hunter…
The Chancellor-Winters shit-show on Young & the Restless is getting old. Who thought this merger was a great idea? What…
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